Customer Reviews

"After 7 days using, my hair falls less and gets stronger"
- Nunnapat -

"After 7 days, I started to see my baby hair growing"
- Kiimnice -

"All the red spots on my scalp are gone now."
- LunArise -

"No more hair loss and my scalp is healthier and stronger"
- Pangpondlek -

"I can see a big difference, it reduces my hair loss"
- Minijoy -

" 1 week that I've used 4MEGA but my hair don't fall out as much as before"
- Natta -

"My scalp is healthier, no dandruff and no more itchy"
- Adia -

"My hair is healthier, hair falls fewer than before"
- Natchi -

"Absorbs quickly! I actually see a very noticeable result. My hair grows so fast"
- BearandBear -

"My hair grows more, thicker and healthier"
- Rabbit Bespoke -

"Very gentle to my scalp and reduce hair loss"
- Sudapapay -

"My baby hair started growing after one week of using 4MEGA"
- Pantip -
After using well known hair products that claims to stop hair loss and promote hair growth, -it is clearly not effective. In only a few weeks using 4MEGA , my hair loss is a lot less and I can see that my hair is more thick and strong.
I’ve been going to a hair specialist that was expensive and it was not giving me the results. After I use 4MEGA for a week, my hair almost stopped falling and now my hair is noticeably thicker and stronger. My scalp feels healthier too.
I love the ingredients of 4MEGA, as it is natural and does not contain chemical. 4MEGA helped reduce my hair loss and produce more hair growth than other products I’ve used. It's a real winner in hair loss solution!
Although I am only 23 years old, but my hair is getting thin and not strong. After using 4MEGA for a few weeks, my hair is totally different. The thickness is very visible and the split ends are gone.
Love 4MEGA.
I was getting worried by the thinning of my hair. Lucky for me to discover 4MEGA because after using the hair serum for 4 weeks my hair started to get more full and thicker. Never seen such remarkable result. It is incredible!
Dandruff was an embarrassing issue for me. I would get flakes all over my shoulders. Since using 4MEGA my scalp is free of dandruff and my hair looks much healthier.
I have never felt more liberated from my hair trouble than I do now!
My life has been plagued with dry split ends and I have been trying out all kinds of hair solution. No result has been more visible than that of 4MEGA . Really got rid of my split ends and made my hair more shiny and healthier. Love it!
I have been dying my hair for ages and the chemical damaged my hair & irritate my scalp. After trying 4MEGA for a month, the result is truly amazing. My hair & scalp is now restored to its healthy condition. Will keep using 4MEGA!